3. System requirements

NOTE: There is an online version of EDGE, found on https://edgebioinformatics.org/ is hosted at Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) with 128G memory and 44 CPUs.

The current version of the EDGE pipeline has been extensively tested on a Linux Server with Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 6.5/7 operating system and will work on 64bit Linux environments.

3.1. Hardware Requirements

Due to the involvement of several high memory and high cpu consuming steps Minimum requirement: 24GB memory, at least 8 computing CPUs and 1 TB disk space. A higher computer spec is strongly recommended: 256GB memory, 64 computing CPUs and > 4 TB disk space. Please ensure that your system has the essential software packages installed properly before running the installing script. The following should be installed by a system administrator (requires sudo).


If your system OS is neither Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7.0, it may have differnt packages/libraries name and the newer complier on newer OS may fail on compling some of thirdparty bioinformatics tools. We would suggest to use EDGE Docker container.

3.2. Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Install build essential libraries and dependancies:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libreadline-gplv2-dev libx11-dev \
        libxt-dev libgsl-dev libfreetype6-dev libncurses5-dev gfortran \
        inkscape libwww-perl libxml-libxml-perl libperlio-gzip-perl  \
        zlib1g-dev zip unzip libjson-perl libpng-dev cpanminus default-jre \
        firefox wget curl csh liblapack-dev libblas-dev libatlas-base-dev \
        libcairo2-dev libssh2-1-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev bzip2 \
        bioperl rsync libbz2-dev liblzma-dev time libterm-readkey-perl \
        liblwp-protocol-https-perl gnuplot libjson-xs-perl libio-socket-ip-perl \
        vim php sendmail mysql-client mysql-server libgfortran3  texinfo \
        openssh-server openssh-client zlib1g-dev openjdk-11-jdk texlive \
        texlive-fonts-extra libboost-all-dev cron less libxml2-dev \
        libcgi-pm-perl libxml-simple-perl libxml-dom-perl locales \
        libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl
  2. Install Apache2 for EDGE UI:

    sudo apt-get install apache2
    sudo a2enmod cgid proxy proxy_http headers rewrite
  3. Install packages for user management system:

    sudo apt-get install sendmail mysql-client mysql-server
    cd /usr/share
    wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.92/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.92.tar.gz
    tar xzf apache-tomcat-7.0.92.tar.gz
    rm apache-tomcat-7.0.92.tar.gz
    mv apache-tomcat-7.0.92 tomcat7
    echo "export CATALINA_HOME=\"/usr/share/tomcat7\"" >> /etc/profile
  4. Change the image conversion policy:

    sed -i.bak 's/rights=\"none\" pattern=\"PDF\"/rights=\"read|write\" pattern=\"PDF\"/' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml

3.3. CentOS 7

  1. Install libraries and dependencies by yum:

    # add epel reporsitory
    sudo yum -y install epel-release
    sudo yum install -y libX11-devel readline-devel libXt-devel ncurses-devel inkscape \
        expat expat-devel freetype freetype-devel zlib zlib-devel perl-App-cpanminus \
        perl-Test-Most blas-devel atlas-devel lapack-devel libpng12 libpng12-devel \
        perl-XML-Simple perl-JSON csh gcc gcc-c++ make binutils gd gsl-devel git graphviz \
        java-1.7.0-openjdk perl-Archive-Zip perl-CGI curl perl-CGI-Session \
        perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML perl-DBI perl-Data-Dumper perl-GD perl-IO-Compress \
        perl-Module-Build perl-XML-LibXML perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-SAX perl-XML-SAX-Writer \
        perl-XML-Twig perl-XML-Writer perl-YAML perl-PerlIO-gzip libstdc++-static \
        cairo-devel openssl-devel openssl-static libssh2-devel libcurl-devel \
        wget rsync bzip2 bzip2-devel xz-devel time zip unzip which perl-CPAN \
        perl-LWP-Protocol-https cronie gnuplot gdb perl-JSON-XS perl-IO-Socket-IP \
        texlive texinfo libgfortran.x86_64 java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel boost-devel \
        libxml2-devel libXScrnSaver gtk3 perl-XML-DOM
  2. Update perl tools:

    sudo cpanm App::cpanoutdated
    cpan-outdated -p | sudo cpanm
  3. Install perl modules by cpanm:

    sudo cpanm -f Bio::Perl Bio::SearchIO::hmmer3 Net::Ping File::Which
    sudo cpanm Graph Time::Piece Hash::Merge PerlIO::gzip Heap::Simple::XS File::Next
    sudo cpanm Algorithm::Munkres Archive::Tar Array::Compare Clone Convert::Binary::C
    sudo cpanm HTML::Template HTML::TableExtract List::MoreUtils PostScript::TextBlock
    sudo cpanm SOAP::Lite SVG SVG::Graph Set::Scalar Sort::Naturally Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
    sudo cpanm CGI::Simple GraphViz XML::Parser::PerlSAX XML::Simple Term::ReadKey
    sudo cpanm Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
  4. Install package for httpd for EDGE UI:

    sudo yum -y install httpd
    sudo systemctl enable httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd
  5. Install packages for user management system:

    sudo yum -y install sendmail mariadb-server mariadb php phpMyAdmin tomcat
    sudo systemctl enable tomcat && sudo systemctl start tomcat
  6. Configure firewall for ssh, http, https, and smtp:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ssh
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=smtp
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  7. Disable SELinux:

    As root edit /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX=disabled
        Restart the server to make the change